Configuring services deployment

You can override default values of service deployment via ansible group_vars:

Ansible let you override configuration via mutliple ways

Via group_vars directly:

{ inventory_dir }/group_vars/kube-master/extra_config.yml:

- rbac:
   create: False

You can also tell ansible to load static file:

{ inventory_dir }/config/a.yaml:

  create: False

{ inventory_dir }/group_vars/kube-master/extra_config.yml:

- "{{ lookup('file', 'config/a.yml')|from_yaml }}"

Note: that the relative path are relative to { inventory_dir }.

As nginx-ingress is a list you can mix direct-based values, with lookup-based values.

Services which support this way of configuration

  • Elasticsearch
  • Elasticsearch curator
  • Elasticsearch exporter
  • Kube Heapster
  • Kube metrics server
  • Nginx ingress