Running the platform UI locally



  • You should have a running Metalk8s cluster somewhere

  • You should have installed the dependencies locally with cd ui; npm install


  1. Connect to the boostrap node of your cluster, and execute the following command as root:

kubectl --kubeconfig /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf \
    edit cm -n metalk8s-auth metalk8s-dex-config
This will allow you to register localhost:3000 as a valid authentication

target. To do so add the following sections under config.yaml:

  allowedOrigins: ["*"]
  - id: metalk8s-ui
    name: MetalK8s UI
      - https://<bootstrap_control_plane_ip>:8443/
      - http://localhost:3000/
    secret: ybrMJpVMQxsiZw26MhJzCjA2ut

You can retrieve the bootstrap_control_plane_ip by running:

salt-call grains.get metalk8s:control_plane_ip
  1. Apply the changes using Salt:

VERSION="your version (e.g. 2.9.1-dev)"
SALT_MASTER=$(kubectl \
    --kubeconfig /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf get pods \
    -n kube-system -l app=salt-master \
    -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')
kubectl --kubeconfig /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf exec \
    "$SALT_MASTER" -c salt-master -n kube-system -- \
    salt-run state.sls metalk8s.addons.dex.deployed saltenv=metalk8s-$VERSION
  1. Enable CORS requests:

kubectl --kubeconfig /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf patch ingress \
    -n metalk8s-ui \
    metalk8s-ui-proxies-https \
    --patch '{
        "metadata": {
            "annotations": {
                "": "true",

kubectl --kubeconfig /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf patch ingress \
    -n metalk8s-ui \
    metalk8s-ui-proxies-http \
    --patch '{
        "metadata": {
            "annotations": {
                "": "true",
  1. In edit the value of controlPlaneIP and provide your cluster bootstrap node’s control plane IP

  2. Run the UI with cd ui; npm run start