Volume Management using the UI

This section describes the creation and deletion of MetalK8s Volume using the MetalK8s UI. In order to create Volumes you need to have StorageClass objects registered in your cluster. See StorageClass Creation

Volume Creation

To access the UI, refer to this procedure

  1. Navigate to the Nodes list page, by clicking the button in the sidebar:

  2. From the Node list, select the node you would like to create a volume on

  3. Navigate to the Volumes tab

  4. Click the Create a New Volume button

  5. Fill out the respective fields

    • Name: Denotes the volume name.

    • Storage Class: Refer to the storage class creation page listed here: StorageClass Creation

    • Type: Metalk8s currently only supports RawBlockDevice and SparseLoopDevice.

  6. Finally, click the Create button

  7. You should have a new volume listed in the Volume list


Volume Deletion

  1. To delete a volume from the MetalK8s UI, from the volume listing, click the delete button

  2. Confirm the volume deletion request by clicking the Delete button
