
With a focus on having minimal human actions required, both in its deployment and operation, MetalK8s also intends to ease deployment and operation of complex applications, named Solutions, on its cluster.

This document defines what a Solution refers to, the responsibilities of each party in this integration, and will link to relevant documentation pages for detailed information.

What is a Solution?

We use the term Solution to describe a packaged Kubernetes application, archived as an ISO disk image, containing:

  • A set of OCI images to inject in MetalK8s image registry

  • An Operator to deploy on the cluster

  • Optionally, a UI for managing and monitoring the application, represented by a standard Kubernetes Deployment

For more details, see the following documentation pages:

Once a Solution is deployed on MetalK8s, a user can deploy one or more versions of the Solution Operator, using either the Solution UI or the Kubernetes API, into separate namespaces. Using the Operator-defined CustomResource(s), the user can then effectively deploy the application packaged in the Solution.

How is a Solution declared in MetalK8s?

MetalK8s already uses a BootstrapConfiguration object, stored in /etc/metalk8s/bootstrap.yaml, to define how the cluster should be configured from the bootstrap node, and what versions of MetalK8s are available to the cluster.

In the same vein, we want to use a SolutionsConfiguration object, stored in /etc/metalk8s/solutions.yaml, to declare which Solutions are available to the cluster, from the bootstrap node.


Add specification in a future Reference guide

Here is how it could look:

kind: SolutionsConfiguration
  - /solutions/storage_1.0.0.iso
  - /solutions/storage_latest.iso
  - /other_solutions/computing.iso

There would be no explicit information about what an archive contains. Instead, we want the archive itself to contain such information (more details in Solution archive guidelines), and to discover it at import time.

Note that Solutions will be imported based on this file contents, i.e. the images they contain will be made available in the registry and the UI will be deployed, however deploying the Operator and subsequent application(s) is left to the user, through manual operations or the Solution UI.


Removing an archive path from the solutions list will effectively remove the Solution images and UI when the “import solutions” playbook is run.

Responsibilities of each party

This section intends to define the boundaries between MetalK8s and the Solutions to integrate with, in terms of “who is doing what?”.


This is still a work in progress.



  • Handle reading and mounting of the Solution ISO archive

  • Provide tooling to deploy/upgrade a Solution’s CRDs and UI


  • Provide tooling to deploy/upgrade a Solution’s Operator

  • Provide tooling to verify signatures in a Solution ISO

  • Expose management of Solutions in its own UI



  • Comply with the standard archive structure defined by MetalK8s

  • If providing a UI, expose management of its Operator instances

  • Handle monitoring of its own services (both Operator and application, except the UI)


  • Use MetalK8s monitoring services (Prometheus and Grafana)


Solutions can leverage the Prometheus Operator CRs for setting up the monitoring of their components. For more information, see Monitoring and Solution Operator guidelines.


Define how Solutions can deploy Grafana dashboards.

Interaction diagrams

We include a detailed interaction sequence diagram for describing how MetalK8s will handle user input when deploying / upgrading Solutions.


Open the image in a new tab to see it in full resolution.


actor user as "User"
control ui as "MetalK8s UI"
control saltmaster as "Salt Master"
entity bootstrap as "Bootstrap node"
control apiserver as "Kubernetes API"
control registry as "MetalK8s registry"

== Import a new Solution (version) ==

user -> bootstrap : Upload Solution ISO
user -> bootstrap : Add ISO path to the "SolutionsConfiguration" file
user -> saltmaster ++ : Request Solutions import

saltmaster <-> apiserver : Retrieve "metalk8s-solutions" ConfigMap

loop For each ISO defined in "SolutionsConfiguration"

    saltmaster -> bootstrap ++ : Check ISO file (against our standards/constraints)
    bootstrap --> saltmaster -- : Return status (valid or not) and metadata if any

    alt ISO is invalid
        saltmaster -> saltmaster : Fail early
    else ISO is valid
        saltmaster -> bootstrap ++ : Run "import_solution_archive" formula
        bootstrap -> bootstrap : Mount ISO
        bootstrap -> registry : Configure new ISO source
        bootstrap -> saltmaster -- : Solution imported successfully


loop For each latest version newly imported

    saltmaster <-> apiserver : Replace CRDs

    saltmaster <-> apiserver : Create/Update Deployment for the Solution UI


loop For each Solution version in "metalk8s-solutions" ConfigMap not in "SolutionsConfiguration"
    saltmaster -> bootstrap ++ : Run "remove_solution_archive" formula
    bootstrap -> registry : Remove configuration for this Solution version
    bootstrap -> bootstrap : Unmount ISO
    bootstrap -> saltmaster -- : Solution removed successfully

saltmaster <-> apiserver : Update "metalk8s-solutions" ConfigMap

saltmaster -> user -- : Solutions imported successfully


== Confirmation ==

user -> ui : Request Solutions listing page
ui <-> apiserver : Retrieve "metalk8s-solutions" ConfigMap

loop For each Solution configured

    ui <-> apiserver : Retrieve Solution UI Service


ui -> user : Display Solutions with the versions deployed and their UI links


== Deployment of the Operator ==

note over user
    Deployment of a Solution Operator should
    be managed in the Solution UI, allowing
    the user to see multiple instances of the
    Operator at once (different namespaces).
end note

opt If the user wants to perform manual deployment

    user -> apiserver : Create new Namespace for the Operator to manage
    user -> apiserver : Apply the example Deployment from the mounted Solution ISO




A detailed diagram for Operator deployment would be useful (wait for #1060 to land). Also, add another diagram for specific operations in an upgrade scenario using two Namespaces, for staging/testing the new version.