Accessing cluster services

MetalK8s GUI

This GUI is deployed during the Bootstrap installation, and can be used for operating, extending and upgrading a MetalK8s cluster.

Gather required information

  1. Get the control plane IP of the bootstrap node.

    root@bootstrap $ salt-call grains.get metalk8s:control_plane_ip
        <the control plane IP>

Use MetalK8s UI

Once you have gathered the IP address and the port number, open your web browser and navigate to the URL https://<ip>:8443, replacing placeholders with the values retrieved before.

The login page is loaded, and should resemble the following:


Log in with the default login / password (admin / admin).

The landing page should look like this:


This page displays two monitoring indicators:

  1. the Cluster Status, which evaluates if control-plane services are all up and running

  2. the list of alerts stored in Alertmanager


Grafana is available on the same host as the MetalK8s UI, under /grafana. Log in with the default credentials: admin / admin.


MetalK8s uses SaltStack to manage the cluster. The Salt Master runs in a Pod on the Bootstrap node.

The Pod name is salt-master-<bootstrap hostname>, and it contains two containers: salt-master and salt-api.

To interact with the Salt Master with the usual CLIs, open a terminal in the salt-master container (we assume the Bootstrap hostname to be bootstrap):

root@bootstrap $ kubectl exec -it -n kube-system -c salt-master --kubeconfig /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf salt-master-bootstrap bash


  • how to access / use SaltAPI

  • how to get logs from these containers