Solutions Guide

To deploy a Solution in a MetalK8s cluster, a utility script is provided. This section describes, step by step, how to deploy a Solution using this tool, located at the root of MetalK8s archive:


Import a Solution

First, the Solution must be imported in the cluster (make the container images available through the cluster registry):

./ import --archive </path/to/solution.iso>

Activate a Solution Version

Only one version of a Solution can be active at any point in time. An active Solution version provides the cluster-wide resources, such as CRDs, to all other versions of this Solution. To activate a version, run:

./ activate --name <solution-name> --version <solution-version>

Environment Creation

Solutions are meant to be deployed in isolated namespaces, which we call Environments. To create an Environment, run:

./ create-env --name <environment-name>

Adding a Solution Version to an Environment

Solutions are packaged with an Operator, and optionally an associated web UI, to provide all required domain-specific logic. To deploy a Solution Operator and its UI in an Environment, run:

./ add-solution --name <environment-name> \
  --solution <solution-name> --version <solution-version>

Configure a Solution

The Solution Operator and UI (if any) are now deployed. To finalize deployment and configuration of the Solution application, please refer to its documentation.