

As for now, if we want to deploy applications on a MetalK8s cluster, it’s achievable by applying manifest through kubectl apply -f manifest.yaml or using Helm with charts.

These approaches work, but for an offline environment, the user must first inject all the needed images in containerd on every nodes. Plus, this requires some Kubernetes knowledge to be able to install an application.

Moreover, there is no control on what’s deployed, so it is difficult to enforce certain practices or provide tooling to ease deployment or lifecycle management of these applications.

We also want MetalK8s to be responsible for deploying applications to keep Kubernetes as an implementation detail for the end user and as so the user does not need any specific knowledge around it to manage its applications.


  • Ability to orchestrate the deployment and lifecycle of complex applications.

  • Support offline deployment, upgrade and downgrade of applications with arbitrary container images.

  • Applications must keep running after a node reboot or a rescheduling of the containers.

  • Check archives integrity, validity and authenticity.

  • Handle multiple instance of an application with same or different versions.

  • Enforce practices (Operator pattern).

  • Guidelines for applications developers.

User Stories

Application import

As a cluster administrator, I want to be able to import an application archive using a CLI tool, to make the application available for deployment.

Application deployment and lifecycle

As an application administrator, I want to manage the deployment and lifecycle (upgrade/downgrade/scaling/configuration/deletion) of an application using either a UI or through simple CLI commands (both should be available).

Multiple instances of an application

As an application administrator, I want to be able to deploy both a test and a prod environments for an application, without collision between them, so that I can qualify/test the application on the test environment.

Application development

As a developer, I want to have guidelines to follow to develop an application.

Application packaging

As a developer, I want to have documentation to know how to package an application.

Application validation

As a developer, I want to be able to know that a packaged application follows the requirements and is valid using a CLI tool.

Design Choices


What’s a Solution

It’s a packaged Kubernetes application, archived as an ISO disk image, containing:

  • A set of OCI images to inject in MetalK8s image registry

  • An Operator to deploy on the cluster

  • A UI to manage and monitor the application (optional)

Solution Configuration

MetalK8s already uses a BootstrapConfiguration object, stored in /etc/metalk8s/bootstrap.yaml, to define how the cluster should be configured from the bootstrap node, and what versions of MetalK8s are available to the cluster.

In the same way, we will use a SolutionsConfiguration object, stored in /etc/metalk8s/solutions.yaml, to declare which Solutions are available to the cluster, from the bootstrap node.

Here is how it will look:

kind: SolutionsConfiguration
  - /path/to/solution/archive.iso
  solution-name: X.Y.Z-suffix (or 'latest')

In this configuration file, no explicit information about the contents of archives should appear. When read by Salt at import time, the archive metadata will be discovered from the archive itself using a manifest.yaml file at the root of the archive, with the following format:

kind: Solution
  annotations: Solution Name
  labels: {}
  name: solution-name
    - some-extra-image:2.0.0
    - solution-name-operator:1.0.0
    - solution-name-ui:1.0.0
      name: solution-name-operator
      tag: 1.0.0
  version: 1.0.0

This manifest will be read by a Salt external pillar module, which will permit the consumption of them by Salt modules and states.

The external pillar will be structured as follows:

        - active: True
          archive: /path/to/solution/archive.iso
            # The content of Solution manifest.yaml
            kind: Solution
       Solution Name
              labels: {}
              name: solution-name
                - some-extra-image:2.0.0
                - solution-name-operator:1.0.0
                - solution-name-ui:1.0.0
                  name: solution-name-operator
                  tag: 1.0.0
              version: 1.0.0
          id: solution-name-1.0.0
          mountpoint: /srv/scality/solution-name-1.0.0
          name: Solution Name
          version: 1.0.0
      # Content of /etc/metalk8s/solutions.yaml (SolutionsConfiguration)
      kind: SolutionsConfiguration
        - /path/to/solutions/archive.iso
        solution-name: X.Y.Z-suffix (or 'latest')
      # Fetched from namespaces with label
        # Fetched from namespace annotations
        description: Environment description
            # Data of metalk8s-environment ConfigMap from this namespace
              solution-name: 1.0.0
            config: {}

Archive format

The archive will be packaged as an ISO image.

We chose the ISO image format instead of a compressed archive, like a tarball, because we wanted something easier to inspect without having to uncompress it.

It could also be useful to be able to burn it on a CD, when being in an offline environment and/or with strong security measures (read-only device that can be easily verified).

Solution archive will be structured as follows:

├── images
│   └── some_image_name
│       └── 1.0.1
│           ├── <layer_digest>
│           ├── manifest.json
│           └── version
├── manifest.yaml
├── operator
|   └── deploy
│       ├── crds
│       │   └── some_crd_name.yaml
│       └── role.yaml

OCI Images registry

Every container images from Solution archive will be exposed as a single repository through MetalK8s registry. The name of this repository will be computed from the Solution manifest <>-<spec.version>.

Operator Configuration

Each Solution Operator needs to implement a --config flag which will be used to provide a yaml configuration file. This configuration will contain the list of available images for a Solution and where to fetch them. This configuration will be formatted as follows:

kind: OperatorConfig
    - endpoint: metalk8s-registry/<solution-name>-<solution-version-x>
        - <image-x>:<tag-x>
        - <image-y>:<tag-y>
    - endpoint: metalk8s-registry/<solution-name>-<solution-version-y>
        - <image-x>:<tag-x>
        - <image-y>:<tag-y>

Solution environment

Solutions will be deployed into an Environment, which is basically a namespace or a group of namespaces with a specific label, containing the Environment name, and an annotation, providing a human readable description of it:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  annotations: <env-description>
  labels: <env-name>
  name: <namespace-name>

It allows to run multiple instances of a Solution, optionally with different versions, on the same cluster, without collision between them.

Each namespace in an environment will have a ConfigMap metalk8s-environment deployed which will describe what an environment is composed of (Solutions and versions). This ConfigMap will then be consumed by Salt to deploy Solutions Operators.

This ConfigMap will be structured as follows:

kind: ConfigMap
  name: metalk8s-environment
  namespace: <namespace-name>
  <solution-x-name>: <solution-x-version>
  <solution-y-name>: <solution-y-version>

Environments will be created by a CLI tool or through the MetalK8s Environment page (both should be available), prior to deploy Solutions.

Solution management

We will provide CLI and UI to import, deploy and handle the whole lifecycle of a Solution. These tools are wrapper around Salt formulas.

Interaction diagram

We include a detailed interaction sequence diagram for describing how MetalK8s will handle user input when deploying / upgrading Solutions.


actor user as "User"
control ui as "MetalK8s UI"
control saltmaster as "Salt Master"
entity bootstrap as "Bootstrap node"
control apiserver as "Kubernetes API"
control registry as "MetalK8s registry"

== Import a new Solution (version) ==

user -> bootstrap : Upload Solution ISO
user -> bootstrap ++ : Run Solutions CLI to import archive
bootstrap -> bootstrap : Update SolutionsConfiguration file
bootstrap -> saltmaster ++ : Request Solutions import ""

saltmaster -> bootstrap ++ : Run "" formula

loop For each ISO defined in "SolutionsConfiguration"

    saltmaster -> bootstrap ++ : Check ISO file (against our standards/constraints)
    bootstrap --> saltmaster -- : Return status (valid or not) and metadata if any

    alt ISO is invalid
        saltmaster -> saltmaster : Fail early
    else ISO is valid
        saltmaster -> bootstrap : Mount ISO
        bootstrap -> registry : Configure new ISO source
        bootstrap -> saltmaster : Solution imported successfully

loop For each Solution version in "metalk8s-solutions" ConfigMap not in "SolutionsConfiguration"
    bootstrap -> registry : Remove configuration for this Solution version
    bootstrap -> bootstrap : Unmount ISO
    bootstrap -> saltmaster : Solution removed successfully

bootstrap -> saltmaster -- : All Solutions imported/removed successfully

saltmaster <-> apiserver : Update "metalk8s-solutions" ConfigMap

saltmaster -> saltmaster : Mount Solution content into Salt Master container

saltmaster -> bootstrap -- : Solution import finished

bootstrap -> user -- : Solutions imported successfully


== Activate a Solution (version) ==

user -> bootstrap ++ : Run Solutions CLI to activate a version
bootstrap -> bootstrap : Update SolutionsConfiguration file
bootstrap -> saltmaster ++ : Request Solutions components deployment ""

loop For each Solution version in SolutionsConfiguration

    alt Solution version is active
        saltmaster -> apiserver : Deploy/Update Solution version components
    else Solution version is not active
        saltmaster -> apiserver : Remove Solution version components

    saltmaster -> apiserver : Update "metalk8s-solutions" ConfigMap

saltmaster -> bootstrap -- : Solutions components deployment finished
bootstrap -> user -- : Solutions successfully activated

== Create an Environment ==

user -> bootstrap ++ : Run Solutions CLI to create an Environment
bootstrap -> apiserver : Create Environment Namespace
bootstrap -> apiserver : Set Environment name label on Namespace
bootstrap -> apiserver : Set Environment description annotation on Namespace
bootstrap -> apiserver : Create Environment ConfigMap "metalk8s-environment"
bootstrap -> user -- : Environment successfully created

== Add a Solution (version) to an Environment ==

user -> bootstrap ++ : Run Solutions CLI to add a Solution to an Environment
bootstrap -> apiserver : Update Environment ConfigMap "metalk8s-environment"
bootstrap -> saltmaster ++ : Request Environment preparation ""
saltmaster <-> apiserver : Retrieve "metalk8s-environment" ConfigMap

loop For each Solution in "metalk8s-environment" ConfigMap

    alt Solution version is available
        saltmaster -> apiserver : Deploy Solution Operator ServiceAccount
        saltmaster -> apiserver : Deploy Solution Operator Role
        saltmaster -> apiserver : Deploy Solution Operator RoleBinding
        saltmaster -> apiserver : Deploy Solution Operator ConfigMap
        saltmaster -> apiserver : Deploy Solution Operator Deployment
        saltmaster -> apiserver : Deploy Solution UI ConfigMap
        saltmaster -> apiserver : Deploy Solution UI Deployment
        saltmaster -> apiserver : Deploy Solution UI Service
        saltmaster -> apiserver : Deploy Solution UI Ingress
    else Solution version is not available
        saltmaster -> saltmaster : Environment preparation failure


saltmaster -> bootstrap -- : Environment preparation finished
bootstrap -> user -- : Solutions successfully added to Environment


Rejected design choices


The Cloud Native Application Bundle (CNAB) is a standard packaging format for multi-component distributed applications. It basically offers what MetalK8s Solution does, but with the need of an extra container with almost full access to the Kubernetes cluster and that’s the reason why we did choose to not use it.

We also want to enforce some practices (Operator pattern) in Solutions and this is not easily doable using it.

Moreover, CNAB is a pretty young project and has not yet been adopted by a lot of people, so it’s hard to predict its future.

Implementation Details

Iteration 1

  • Solution example, this is a fake application, with no other goal than allowing testing of MetalK8s Solutions tooling.

  • Salt formulas to manage Solution (deployment and lifecycle).

  • Tooling around Salt formulas to ease Solutions management (simple shell script).

  • MetalK8s UI to manage Solution.

  • Solution automated tests (deployment, upgrade/downgrade, deletion, …) in post-merge.

Iteration 2

  • MetalK8s CLI to manage Solutions (supersedes shell script & wraps Salt call).

  • Integration into monitoring tools (Grafana dashboards, Alerting, …).

  • Integration with the identity provider (Dex).

  • Tooling to validate integrity & validity of Solution ISO (checksum, layout, valid manifests, …).

  • Multiple CRD versions support (see #2372).


In the Operational Guide:

  • Document how to import a Solution.

  • Document how to deploy a Solution.

  • Document how to upgrade/downgrade a Solution.

  • Document how to delete a Solution.

In the Developer Guide:

  • Document how to monitor a Solution (ServiceMonitor, Service, …).

  • Document how to interface with the identity provider (Dex).

  • Document how to build a Solution (layout, how to package, …).

Test Plan

First of all, we must develop a Solution example, with at least 2 different versions, to be able to test the whole feature.

Then, we need to develop automated tests to ensure feature is working as expected. The tests will have to cover the following points:

  • Solution installation and lifecycle (through both UI & CLI):

    • Importing / removing a Solution archive

    • Activating / deactivating a Solution

    • Creating / deleting an Environment

    • Adding / removing a Solution in / from an Environment

    • Upgrading / downgrading a Solution

  • Solution can be plugged to MetalK8s cluster services (monitoring, alerting, …).