Cluster and Services Configurations

This section contains information describing the list of available Cluster and Services Configurations including procedures for customizing and applying any given Cluster and Services Configurations.

Managing Cluster and Services Configurations

Newly deployed MetalK8s clusters come with chosen default values for most Cluster services. These default values are transparent to Admin users and can be customized at any point in time given that Administrators follow the documented procedure to the later.

Managing default runtime Service Configurations

MetalK8s addons (Alertmanager, Dex, Grafana and Prometheus) ships with default runtime service configurations required for basic service deployment. Find below an exhaustive list of available default Service Configurations deployed in a MetalK8s cluster:


The following basic Alertmanager configurations are required for starting up Alertmanager within a MetalK8s cluster. The default configuration values for Alertmanager are specified in the output below and can be overridden by specifying its corresponding values within a Cluster and Service ConfigMap (metalk8s-alertmanager-config). An advanced list of Alertmanager configurations will be provided in future versions with provided guidelines on how to add these configurations to the Service ConfigMap.

This document below describes parameters that are set by default.

# Configuration of the Alertmanager service
kind: AlertmanagerConfig
  # Configure the Alertmanager Deployment
    replicas: 1
        resolve_timeout: 5m
      templates: []
        group_by: ['job']
        group_wait: 30s
        group_interval: 5m
        repeat_interval: 12h
        receiver: 'null'
        - match:
            alertname: Watchdog
          receiver: 'null'
        - name: 'null'
      inhibit_rules: []


Dex (an Identity Provider) that drives user authentication and identity management in a MetalK8s cluster is provisioned with the following default configurations. The default configuration values for Dex are specified in the output below and can be overridden by specifying its corresponding values within the Cluster and Service ConfigMap (metalk8s-dex-config).

This document below describes parameters that are set by default.

# Configuration of the Dex (OIDC) service
kind: DexConfig
  # Configure the Dex Deployment
    replicas: 2
  connectors: []


The default configuration values for Grafana are specified in the output below and can be overridden by specifying its corresponding values within the Cluster and Service ConfigMap (metalk8s-grafana-config).

This document below describes parameters that are set by default.

# Configuration of the Grafana service
kind: GrafanaConfig
  # Configure the Grafana Deployment
    replicas: 1


The default configuration values for Prometheus are specified in the output below and can be overridden by specifying its corresponding values within the Cluster and Service ConfigMap (metalk8s-grafana-config).

This document below describes parameters that are set by default.

# Configuration of the Prometheus service
kind: PrometheusConfig
  # Configure the Prometheus Deployment
    replicas: 1
    enable_admin_api: false

Managing Authentication

Add a local static user

Local authentication via static users is enabled by default after a fresh MetalK8s installation.


To continue using MetalK8s in cases where the external authentication system fails, we advise MetalK8s administrators to leave the default super admin account enabled at all times.

To add a new static user, perform the following operations:

  1. Generate a bcrypt hash of your new password.

    • To generate the bcrypt hash, on the Bootstrap node, run the following.

    root@bootstrap $ htpasswd -nBC 14 "" | tr -d ':'
    New password:
    Re-type new password:
    <your hash here, starting with "$2y$14$">
  2. Generate a unique UserID by running the following command.

    root@bootstrap $ python -c 'import uuid; print uuid.uuid4()'
  3. From the Bootstrap node, edit the ConfigMap metalk8s-dex-config and then add a new entry using:

    root@bootstrap $ kubectl --kubeconfig /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf \
                       edit configmaps metalk8s-dex-config -n metalk8s-auth

    The new entry should be unique and possess mandatory fields like email, hash, username and userID like in the example below.

       config.yaml: |-
                  - email: "<email>"
                    hash: "<replace-with-hash>"
                    username: "<username>"
                    userID: "<uuidv4>"
  4. Save the ConfigMap changes.

  5. From the Bootstrap node, run the following to propagate the changes.

    root@bootstrap $ kubectl exec -n kube-system -c salt-master \
                     --kubeconfig /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf \
                     salt-master-bootstrap -- salt-run \
                     state.sls metalk8s.addons.dex.deployed saltenv=metalk8s-2.5.3-dev
  6. Finally, create and apply the required ClusterRoleBinding.yaml file that ensures that the newly added static user is bound to a Cluster Role.


    MetalK8s installations come with already existing Cluster Roles. Administrators can create new Cluster Roles or refer to the existing Cluster Roles.

    To obtain the list of available Cluster Roles in a MetalK8s cluster, use the following command:

    root@bootstrap $ kubectl --kubeconfig /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf get clusterroles

    For more information about a Cluster Role, run the following command to describe it.

    root@bootstrap $ kubectl --kubeconfig /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf get clusterroles \
                       <name> -o yaml

    For starters, MetalK8s administrators can provision new users using the cluster-admin Cluster Role. Note that this Cluster Role by default grants cluster-wide permissions to all resources within a cluster. For more information refer to RBAC documentation.

    • Use the following template to create the ClusterRoleBinding.yaml file where:

      • <name> refers to any freely chosen name

      • <email> refers to the new user email as defined in step (3) above

      • <cluster-role> refers to the Cluster Role picked from the list above

    kind: ClusterRoleBinding
      name: <name>
    - kind: User
      name: <email>
      kind: ClusterRole
      name: <cluster-role>
    • Apply the ClusterRoleBinding configurations using:

    root@bootstrap $ kubectl --kubeconfig /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf apply -f \
  7. Verify that the user has been successfully added and you can log in to the MetalK8s UI using the new email and password.

Change password for local static user

To change the password of an existing user, perform the following operations:

  1. Generate a bcrypt hash of the new password using this procedure .

  2. From the Bootstrap node, edit the ConfigMap metalk8s-dex-config and then change the hash for the selected user:


    Override default Admin password

    Newly deployed MetalK8s cluster comes provisioned with a default admin account. To override the password for this default admin account, perform the operation below specifying the email admin@metalk8s.invalid. MetalK8s will automatically override the default password with the new entry you have specified.

    root@bootstrap $ kubectl --kubeconfig /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf \
                       edit configmaps metalk8s-dex-config -n metalk8s-auth
    config.yaml: |-
          enabled: true
             - email: "user@metalk8s.invalid"
               hash: "<new-password-hash>"
               username: "user"
               userID: "08a8684b-db88-4b73-90a9-3cd1661f5466"
  3. Save the ConfigMap changes.

  4. From the Bootstrap node, run the following to propagate the changes.

    root@bootstrap $ kubectl exec -n kube-system -c salt-master \
                     --kubeconfig /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf \
                     salt-master-bootstrap -- salt-run \
                     state.sls metalk8s.addons.dex.deployed saltenv=metalk8s-2.5.3-dev
  5. Verify that the password has been changed and you can log in to the MetalK8s UI using the new password


Add documentation on the following tracked topics

  • Change static user password (issue #2075)

  • External authentication (issue #2013)

    • Configuring LDAP

    • Configuring Active Directory(AD)

Managing Cluster Monitoring

MetalK8s ships with Prometheus Operator which takes charge of deploying the monitoring stack (Prometheus, Alertmanager and Grafana). Service configurations for the 3 main services that make up the monitoring stack can be found in the Namespace metalk8s-monitoring under the following ConfigMaps:









Configuring replicas count

MetalK8s administrators can scale the monitoring stack directly by changing the number of replicas which is by default set to a single pod per service after a fresh MetalK8s installation.

To change the number of replicas for any of the services listed above, perform the following operations:

  1. From the Bootstrap node, edit the ConfigMap <ConfigMap-Name> attributed to the service and then modify the replicas entry.

    root@bootstrap $ kubectl --kubeconfig /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf \
                       edit configmaps <ConfigMap-Name> -n metalk8s-monitoring

    For each service in the MetalK8s monitoring stack, consult the Monitoring Services table to obtain the ConfigMap-Name to be used for the above command.

    Make sure to replace <number-of-replicas> field with an integer value (For example 2).

       config.yaml: |-
                replicas: <number-of-replicas>
  2. Save the ConfigMap changes.

  3. From the Bootstrap node, execute the following command which connects to the Salt master container and applies salt-states to propagate the new changes down to the underlying services.


    Scaling the number of pods for services like Prometheus and Alertmanager require provisioning extra persistent volumes for these pods to startup normally. Refer to this procedure for more information.

    root@bootstrap $ kubectl exec -n kube-system -c salt-master \
                     --kubeconfig /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf \
                     salt-master-bootstrap -- salt-run state.sls \
                     metalk8s.addons.prometheus-operator.deployed saltenv=metalk8s-2.5.3-dev


Add documentation on the following tracked topics

  • Add and customize Alertmanager notifications (Epic ##2193)