Using the metalk8s-utils Image

A MetalK8s installation comes with a container image called metalk8s-utils in the embedded registry. This image contains several tools an operator can use to analyze a cluster environment or troubleshoot various system issues.

The image can be used to create a Pod on a node, after which a shell inside the container can be created to run the various utilities. Depending on the use-case, the Pod could be created using the host network namespace, the host PID namespace, elevated privileges, mounting host directories as volumes, etc.

See the metalk8s-utils Dockerfile for a list of all packages installed in the image.

A Simple Shell

To run a metalk8s-utils container as a simple shell, execute the following command:

kubectl run shell \
    --image=metalk8s-registry-from-config.invalid/metalk8s-127.0.4-dev/metalk8s-utils:127.0.4-dev \
    --restart=Never \
    --attach \
    --stdin \
    --tty \

This will create a Pod called shell with a container running the metalk8s-utils image, and present you with a shell in this container.


This procedure expects no other shell Pod to be running. Adjust the name accordingly, or use a dedicated namespace if conflicts occur.

A Long-Running Container

In the example above, the lifetime of the container is tied to the invocation of kubectl run. In some situations it’s more efficient to keep such container running and attach to it (and detach from it) dynamically.

  • Create the Pod:

kubectl run shell \
    --image=metalk8s-registry-from-config.invalid/metalk8s-127.0.4-dev/metalk8s-utils:127.0.4-dev \
    --restart=Never \
    --command -- sleep infinity

This creates the shell Pod including a metalk8s-utils container running sleep infinity, effectivelly causing the Pod to remain alive until deleted.

  • Get a shell in the container:

    kubectl exec -ti shell -- bash


The screen and tmux utilities are installed in the image for terminal multiplexing.

  • Exit the shell to detach

  • Remove the Pod once the container is no longer needed:

    kubectl delete pod shell

A Shell on a Particular Node

To pin the Pod in which the metalk8s-utils container is launched to a particular node, add the following options to a suitable kubectl run invocation:

--overrides='{ "apiVersion": "v1", "spec": { "nodeName": "NODE_NAME" } }'


In the above, replace NODE_NAME by the desired node name.

A Shell in the Host Network Namespace

To run a metalk8s-utils container in the host network namespace, e.g., to use utilities such as ip, iperf or tcpdump as if they’re executed on the host, add the following options to a suitable kubectl run invocation:

--overrides='{ "apiVersion": "v1", "spec": { "hostNetwork": true } }'


If multiple overrides need to be combined, the JSON objects must be merged.


  • Adding tolerations for various taints when using nodeName

  • Mounting a host directory

  • Exposing Salt and containerd sockets

  • Running a privileged container, exposing the host /dev in the container for parted etc. to work