Using the metalk8s-utils
A MetalK8s installation comes with a container image called metalk8s-utils
in the embedded registry. This image contains several tools an operator can use
to analyze a cluster environment or troubleshoot various system issues.
The image can be used to create a Pod on a node, after which a shell inside the container can be created to run the various utilities. Depending on the use-case, the Pod could be created using the host network namespace, the host PID namespace, elevated privileges, mounting host directories as volumes, etc.
See the metalk8s-utils
for a list of
all packages installed in the image.
A Simple Shell¶
To run a metalk8s-utils
container as a simple shell, execute the following
kubectl run shell \ --image=metalk8s-registry-from-config.invalid/metalk8s-126.0.3-dev/metalk8s-utils:126.0.3-dev \ --restart=Never \ --attach \ --stdin \ --tty \ --rm
This will create a Pod called shell
with a container running the
image, and present you with a shell in this container.
This procedure expects no other shell
Pod to be running. Adjust the
name accordingly, or use a dedicated namespace if conflicts occur.
A Long-Running Container¶
In the example above, the lifetime of the container is tied to the invocation
of kubectl run
. In some situations it’s more efficient to keep such
container running and attach to it (and detach from it) dynamically.
Create the Pod:
kubectl run shell \ --image=metalk8s-registry-from-config.invalid/metalk8s-126.0.3-dev/metalk8s-utils:126.0.3-dev \ --restart=Never \ --command -- sleep infinity
This creates the shell
Pod including a metalk8s-utils
running sleep infinity
, effectivelly causing the Pod to remain alive
until deleted.
Get a shell in the container:
kubectl exec -ti shell -- bash
The screen and tmux utilities are installed in the image for terminal multiplexing.
Exit the shell to detach
Remove the Pod once the container is no longer needed:
kubectl delete pod shell
A Shell on a Particular Node¶
To pin the Pod in which the metalk8s-utils
container is launched to a
particular node, add the following options to a suitable kubectl run
--overrides='{ "apiVersion": "v1", "spec": { "nodeName": "NODE_NAME" } }'
In the above, replace NODE_NAME
by the desired node name.
A Shell in the Host Network Namespace¶
To run a metalk8s-utils
container in the host network namespace, e.g.,
to use utilities such as ip
, iperf
or tcpdump
as if they’re
executed on the host, add the following options to a suitable
kubectl run
--overrides='{ "apiVersion": "v1", "spec": { "hostNetwork": true } }'
If multiple overrides
need to be combined, the JSON objects must be
Adding tolerations for various taints when using nodeName
Mounting a host directory
Exposing Salt and containerd sockets
Running a privileged container, exposing the host /dev in the container for parted etc. to work