User Authentication and Identity Management

In MetalK8s, user authentication and identity management are driven by the integration of kube-apiserver and Dex, an OpenID Connect (OIDC) provider.

Kubernetes API enables OIDC as one authentication strategy (it also supports certificate-based authentication) by trusting Dex as an OIDC provider.

Dex can authenticate users against:

  • a static user store (stored in configuration),

  • a connector-based interface, allowing plug-ins from such external providers as LDAP, SAML, GitHub, Active Directory and others to plug in.


Out of the box, MetalK8s enables OIDC-based authentication for its UI and Grafana service.

Administering Grafana and MetalK8s UI

When MetalK8s is first installed, the UI and Grafana service are set with the default login credentials admin@metalk8s.invalid, and password.

This default user is defined as a static user in the Dex configuration to enable MetalK8s administrators’ first access to these services. Change the default password after the first login.


The MetalK8s UI and Grafana are both configured to use OIDC as an authentication mechanism, and trust Dex as a provider. Changing the Dex configuration, including the default credentials, affects both UIs.

To access the MetalK8s UI and Grafana service, refer to Accessing Cluster Services.

Adding a Static User

To add a static user for the MetalK8s UI and or the Grafana service, perform the following steps from the bootstrap node.

  1. Generate a bcrypt hash of your password.

    root@bootstrap $ htpasswd -nBC 14 "" | tr -d ':'
    New password:
    Re-type new password:
    <your hash here, starting with "$2y$14$">
  2. Generate a unique identifier.

    root@bootstrap $ python -c 'import uuid; print uuid.uuid4()'
  3. Add a new entry in the staticPasswords list. Use the password hash and user ID previously generated, and choose a new email and user name.

    root@bootstrap $ kubectl --kubeconfig /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf \
                       edit configmap metalk8s-dex-config -n metalk8s-auth
    # [...]
      config.yaml: |-
        kind: DexConfiguration
          # [...]
            # [...]
              # [...]
              - email: "<email>"
                hash: "<generated-password-hash>"
                username: "<username>"
                userID: "<generated-identifier>"
  4. Apply your changes.

    root@bootstrap $ STATES=$(printf ",metalk8s.addons.%s.deployed" \
                               dex prometheus-operator ui)
    root@bootstrap $ kubectl exec -n kube-system -c salt-master \
                      --kubeconfig /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf \
                      salt-master-bootstrap -- salt-run state.sls \
                      "${STATES:1}" saltenv=metalk8s-127.0.4-dev
  5. Bind the user to an existing (Cluster) Role using a ClusterRoleBlinding.

  6. Check that the user has been successfully added. If so, log into the MetalK8s UI using the new email and password.

Changing Static User Password


Default admin user

A new MetalK8s installation is supplied with a default administrator account and a predefined password (see Use MetalK8s UI). Change this password if the control plane network is accessible to untrusted clients.

To change the default password for the MetalK8s UI or the Grafana service, perform the following steps from the Bootstrap node.

  1. Generate a bcrypt hash of the new password.

    root@bootstrap $ htpasswd -nBC 14 "" | tr -d ':'
    New password:
    Re-type new password:
    <your hash here, starting with "$2y$14$">
  2. Find the entry for the selected user in the staticPasswords list and update its hash.

    root@bootstrap $ kubectl --kubeconfig /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf \
                       edit configmap metalk8s-dex-config -n metalk8s-auth
    # [...]
      config.yaml: |-
        kind: DexConfiguration
          # [...]
            # [...]
              # [...]
              - email: "<previous-email>"
                hash: "<new-password-hash>"
                username: "<previous-username>"
                userID: "<previous-identifier>"
              # [...]
  3. Apply your changes.

    root@bootstrap $ kubectl exec -n kube-system -c salt-master \
                       --kubeconfig /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf \
                       salt-master-bootstrap -- salt-run state.sls \
                       metalk8s.addons.dex.deployed saltenv=metalk8s-127.0.4-dev
  4. Check that the password has been changed. If so, log into the MetalK8s UI using the new password.