
Here is a diagram representing how MetalK8s orchestrates deployment on a set of machines:


actor user
entity bootstrap

== Initialization ==

user -> bootstrap : Upload installer
user -> bootstrap : Run installer

bootstrap -> bootstrap : Unpack installer static files and install script
create control installer
bootstrap -> installer : Run

== Bootstrap ==

installer -> bootstrap : Run pre-minion local checks (e.g. OS release)
installer -> bootstrap : Disable salt-minion service || true
installer -> bootstrap : Stop salt-minion service || true

installer -> bootstrap : Install salt-minion and dependencies from unpacked RPMs
installer -> bootstrap : Create salt-minion configuration file to run 'local'

installer -> bootstrap : Run bootstrap node pre-checks (salt-call --local)

group Initialize CRI/CNI/Kubelet environment
installer -> bootstrap : Run CRI/CNI role using salt-call --local
bootstrap -> bootstrap : Install container-selinux, runc, containerd, cri-tools
bootstrap -> bootstrap : Create /etc/crictl.conf
bootstrap -> bootstrap : Enable and start containerd
bootstrap -> bootstrap : Install ebtables, socat, kubernetes-cni, kubelet
bootstrap -> bootstrap : Create initial kubelet configuration file
bootstrap -> bootstrap : Create kubelet systemd drop-in to set CRI endpoint and config file, enable CPU/memory accounting
bootstrap -> bootstrap : Enable and start kubelet
bootstrap --> installer : Done

group Set up Kubernetes control plane HA/failover
note over bootstrap: TODO running in container using static kubelet manifest

group Set up salt-master
installer -> bootstrap : Deploy salt-master using salt-call --local
bootstrap -> bootstrap : Create salt-master static pod manifest
note right of bootstrap: Can we do an upgrade of salt-master here? What about nodes with older minion versions?

create control saltmaster

bootstrap -> saltmaster : Wait to be ready
saltmaster --> bootstrap : Ready

bootstrap --> installer : Done

installer -> bootstrap : Remove salt-minion 'local' config
installer -> bootstrap : Enable salt-minion service
installer -> bootstrap : Start salt-minion service

create control saltminion
saltmaster <-> saltminion : Hello

== Deploy bootstrap node ==

saltmaster -> saltminion : Install bootstrap node

saltminion -> saltminion : Inject OCI registry image

alt if newer OCI registry version
saltminion -> saltminion : Remove OCI registry manifest
saltminion -> saltminion : Wait for OCI registry to be down
saltminion -> saltminion : Create OCI registry manifest TODO CA
note left: Bound to only

saltminion -> saltminion : Wait for OCI registry to be up
saltminion -> saltminion : Inject images in OCI registry

saltminion -> saltminion : Drop nginx manifest in place

saltminion --> saltmaster : Done

note over bootstrap
At this point, the bootstrap node hosts

- salt-master
- an nginx service serving a yum repository
- an OCI image registry (proxied by nginx)
end note

== Deploy control plane ==

installer -> saltmaster : Deploy control plane on bootstrap unless one exists
saltmaster -> saltminion : Go

installer -> saltmaster : Deploy UI
saltmaster -> saltminion : Go
saltminion --> saltmaster : Done
saltmaster --> installer : Done
installer --> bootstrap : Done

bootstrap --> user : UI ready at ...

== Extend control plane ==

user -> bootstrap : Add control-plane node

create entity leader

bootstrap -> leader : salt-ssh install salt-minion
leader -> bootstrap : Done

== Extend worker plane ==

user -> bootstrap : Add worker node

create entity node

bootstrap -> node : salt-ssh install salt-minion
node -> bootstrap : Done


Some notes

  • The intent is for this installer to deploy a system which looks exactly like one deployed using kubeadm, i.e. using the same (or at least highly similar) static manifests, cluster ConfigMaps, RBAC roles and bindings, …

The rationale: at some point in time, once kubeadm gets easier to embed in larger deployment mechanisms, we want to be able to switch over without too much hassle.

Also, kubeadm applies best-practices so why not follow them anyway.


To launch the bootstrap process, some input from the end-user is required, which can vary from one installation to another:

  • CIDR (i.e. x.y.z.w/n) of the control plane networks to use

    Given these CIDR, we can find the address on which to bind services like etcd, kube-apiserver, kubelet, salt-master and others.

    These should be existing networks in the infrastructure to which all hosts are connected.

    This is a list of CIDRs, which will be tried one after another, to find a matching local interface (i.e. hosts comprising the cluster may reside in different subnets, e.g. control plane in VMs, workload plane on physical infrastructure).

  • CIDRs (i.e. x.y.z.w/n) of the workload plane networks to use

    Given these CIDRs, we can find the address to be used by the CNI overlay network (i.e. Calico) for inter-Pod routing.

    This can be the same as the control plane network.

  • CIDR (i.e. x.y.z.w/n) of the Pod overlay network

    Used to configure the Calico IPPool. This must be a non-existing network in the infrastructure.


  • CIDR (i.e. x.y.z.w/n) of the Service network



We assume a host-based firewall is used, based on firewalld. As such, for any service we deploy which must be accessible from the outside, we must set up an appropriate rule.

We assume SSH access is not blocked by the host-based firewall.

These services include:

  • HTTPS on the bootstrap node, for nginx fronting the OCI registry and serving the yum repository

  • salt-master on the bootstrap node

  • etcd on control-plane / etcd nodes

  • kube-apiserver on control-plane nodes

  • kubelet on all cluster nodes